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The Hypnobabies Home Study Program

If you are unable to attend a live class, I highly recommend the Hypnobabies Home Study Course. 

The Self-Study program was created by Hypnobabies to accommodate those who are unable to take a live class for whatever reason (maybe there are location issues, perhaps a group class doesn't work for you/your schedule or even the group you'd like to register for is full for example).


The success (& satisfaction) rate of this program is very high. 

Hypnobabies Home Study

Supplement Your Home Study Experience with MY Help:

The Home Study Advantage


This is additional support by a Certified Hypnobabies Instructor as you go through the Hypnobabies Home Study program. 

This might be email or phone support, or a live (in-person) session (or two) where you would meet to go through any questions you may have and review the course materials as well as some of the pertinent information covered in the program. We can also review all of your Hypnobabies tools and do an in-depth birthing rehearsal using the tools, and watch some Hypnobabies birth videos!

If you have a doula, it would be great if they could attend with you. Any other birth partners are also welcome (mom, sister, etc) so they can learn how to best support you. 


If you do decide on the Home Study program, start by letting me know!

Some families like to book in a "Getting Started" type session to launch into the program (ideally booked either right before starting or during the first week of starting the course).

Another popular option is scheduling a session once you've completed the full Home Study program - this is when we'd do a full rehearsal using all the tools, go through the birth partner's guide, etc as a way of tying everything together nicely! I'd recommend booking this one in around the 36/37 week mark, once you've completed the full self-study course.

Some people opt for one or the other, while many prefer to do both of these sessions!


And still others prefer to only have email support & reminders.   

~ More Details Below ~

Options & Fees

Option 1: Getting Started + Regular Email Support
I'll help you pick a start date, make a practice schedule and then email you regularly as you work through the program. What I often hear is that this helps tremendously with accountability, motivation as well as with staying organized.
I'm also available (via email) for any questions you may have. 

** Add a weekly 15 min phone call for $75
(Total for 75+ mins of phone support, email, accountability & schedule support = $125)


Option 2: Live Session / Meeting
a) Getting Started (~60-90 mins)
In this session, we would meet *before* you actually start going through the program to make sure that all of your questions about hypnosis & how it works for childbirth are answered. We go over what your practice will look like and set you up in establishing a routine and make sure you have lots of great tips to help you learn, practice and use your hypnosis! 

b) Hypnobabies Review (~ 120+ mins)
In this session, we meet *after* you have completed the full 5 week Hypnobabies Home Study program so that we can go over any information you'd like clarification on, insight into how the birth world works locally (options, choices, etc), we would go through the entire Birth Partner's Guide and spend a good amount of time making sure your partner is confident. We also will do a full "Birthing Rehearsal" (1+ HOUR) where I will walk you through a scenario of birthing (customized to your birth plan) while using your Hypnobabies tools (& reviewing everything else covered in the program).

Contact me to discuss your options!

Contact Me

(604) 375-8831

© 2022

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